
I developed this system for an online Spanish teacher, the system consists of a landing page, a blog and a student portal.

The landing page and the blog are deployed and developed on the Odoo platform while the student portal is developed in Next.js with Typescript and deployed in Vercel.

Landing page of spanishbycelia

The student portal has a role system based on the NextAuth library with the Google provider. On one side we have the student view and on the other the teacher view.

Student View Home

In the student view we find a list of the last scheduled classes, a button to schedule some of the classes that are available but not scheduled and a button to open the class purchase mode, which is a payment gateway synchronized with paypal. In addition, in the header we can see that we can access a calendar to view the student's class schedule and a button to the associated google classroom.

Payment modal

In the teacher view we find a calendar with the next classes, the calendar is interactive and the teacher could add or remove occupied slots, cancel classes and access to a particular class.

Teacher View Calendar Teacher View Calendar Teacher View Calendar In the teacher view we also have a section to see the information of our students and their billing information.